Battle of Mečkin Kamen

Battle of Kruševo
Part of Ilinden uprising
Date 1-3 August 1903
Location Kruševo (Mečkin Kamen)
IMRO insurgents Ottoman forces
Commanders and leaders
Nikola Karev, Pitu Guli
340 IMRO rebels unknown
IMRO victory

The Battle of Mečkin Kamen occurred in the forests of Mečkin Kamen ("Bear Stone"), a few kilometres from the town of Kruševo in present-day Macedonia, on 1-2 August 1903. It was part of the Ilinden-Preobraženie uprising led by the Internal Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Organisation (IMARO or VMARO) against the Ottoman empire. The leading revolutionary commanders were Nikola Karev and Pitu Guli.

On 1 August 1903, IMRO had ordered its army generals and commanders to attack the Turkish headquarters. The attack began after midnight on the 1st of August/early hours of 2 August, 1903. The fighting continued into the forests of Mečkin Kamen and lasted until 3 August. 2 August was named Ilinden (St Elijah's day).
